Saturday, November 6, 2010

Introduction Blog

I'm going to start one of my first ever blogs. How very exciting... well not really... I mean I write eight hours a day so what's new? 

But I am starting to love this blog. Mainly because I can talk my heart out and describe every feeling and emotion on this. I can be truthful and not afraid. Which is a good thing.... I think....

SO yeah you can say I am a pretty clueless country girl with visions and dreams yet to be crushed and has never "like liked" a guy before. Nope. Never. I am fourteen and am on a roll! I'll probably end up allowing myself to go down that lane at about... 16-17 years of age. Start young you get heart broken.

I'll admit that some people get lucky enough to find that special someone young, but 95% chance is that the first guy you date won't be the last. Besides what is it for. Popularity? Looks? The special kiss somebody gets? Well it shouldn't be. I want to be able to give it all for the guy that I am truly going to love, not some creep that is going to make me heartbroken and later thing he is ugly and cruel and probably lose my first kiss.

So yeah I will be a 17 year old lip virgin. I am trying to care...trying....trying...not working....not working....OH there it is!

I am pretty random and like the expression "so yeah" as you've noticed and I have my own preferences (duh) like everybody else. But regardless I probably should move on from this touchy subject.  

Just a little about my personality, I am not a drug user, hate coffee, don't drink anything with alcohol. I am pretty much a goody goody two shoes who is always thinking 29 steps ahead and reads books out and writes for the most part of her life.

LE'ME stress something about myself while I am at it. I HATE.... I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE MATH AND SCIENCE, though I like studying space and the atmosphere. I am like... 2 grades ahead and am going to a pre-engineering college next year. WHOOT and I do use my caps lock a lot. 

I live on some land with two dogs, 1 duck, we've raised 8 geese that come back every day, 5 parakeets, and two lizards. - I am not finished... WE ARE GETTING: a bout a dozen chickens, a cow, some goats and sheep and maybe a horse. We are planning on growing our own crops and everything in the spring so yeah, pretty exciting. 

Anywho I am going to start each blog by a "Dear Blog" now and will treat it as a diary, so yeah!

Peace out!